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Egyptian chartered accountant

An Egyptian chartered accountant if you are looking for an office in Egypt. We offer you the office of the chartered accountant and the auditor. Ahmad Fathi.
محسب قانوني -chartered accountant

Egyptian chartered accountant

An Egyptian chartered accountant. We offer you the services of the chartered accountant office and the auditor of joint stock companies. Ahmed Fathi (Arab Accountant Office) for financial accounting. , tax services, financial consultancy, company establishment inside Egypt, and assistance in setting up accounting and cost accounting systems. You can contact the phone number 01063463560. Or via the form at the bottom of the page.

Our services as an Egyptian chartered accountant

Follow up on tax files

If you are the owner of a company or financial institution, you need to arrange your financial and tax papers. For this, you need our office, where we follow up on your behalf in following up the tax files. Monthly and annual declarations, value-added declarations, income declarations, and source-discount declarations. ​

Establishing companies in Egypt

If you are thinking of establishing a company in Egypt, you need our office, where we establish companies in Egypt in all their legal forms. To learn more about the legal forms of companies, you can view our article by clicking on the link​

Electronic Invoice Services

What has been new in the Egyptian market is the electronic bill, which has become an obligation for all companies in Egypt, so we offer our customers the service of following up on electronic bills. and registration on the electronic system. ​

Auditing and approving the financial statements

The founder of the money company in Egypt needs an auditor. Where the office of Mr. Ahmed Fathi performs corporate audit work. And submit a report to the owners of the company. Also, expressing an opinion on the financial statements prepared by the company’s management and the extent of its compliance with Egyptian accounting standards.​

Leave your details now and our office staff will contact you

    Connect with us

    For any of our accounting services, do not hesitate to contact us

    Where do you find a office? Ahmed Fathy, the Egyptian chartered accountant on Google Maps

    You can reach our office and benefit from our accounting services from more than one way. Either direct contact by phone on the numbers indicated previously. Or, fill out the form for your data and e-mail, and the competent staff will contact you. Or visit our branch and coordinate to reach our office as shown in the following map:

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